Friday, October 25, 2013

God and I Together in the Morning

In the morning, Jews recite a prayer of thanksgiving.

Modeh Ani . . .

I thank you, God, for returning my soul to me. She has been resting safely throughout the night in Your full embrace and protection.

Modeh Ani . . .

As the sun rises, manage your mission. Articulate your purpose amidst the babbling brainstorming of our daylight mindfulness.

Modeh Ani . . .

Thank you, Holy One, for restoring my soul and my significance.

Friday, October 18, 2013

Spontaneous Blessing

Blessing is not a perfunctory act.

A blessing contains a premeditated, directed intention of significance and power unique to the blessed one.

Most often I am the blesser. I initiate this act of validation and confirmation with caution and caring. People expect it from their clergy.

So I was super surprised when a petite, dark-haired woman shuttled me under my friend’s wedding chuppahand dictated a blessing from the place of desire.

Her whole body swayed into mine as she cupped her hands over my head.  In fluent Hebrew she unhesitatingly offered up a prayer of God’s protection and guidance over me.

I felt it in my body. It landed on my heart. I immersed my soul in its sincerity.

Blessing is not a perfunctory act, but it can be most beautiful when it arrives spontaneously.

Friday, October 11, 2013

The Birth of a Granddaughter

She is my ninth grandchild and my sixth granddaughter.

In labor and in transition, through pushing and sighing, with vigor and verve, my third amazing daughter birthed her second daughter into being with all the strength of a mother tiger.

Surrounded by a flock of female nurses, doctors, midwives, and doulas, a red tent of protection and love draped the mother and daughter like the wedding chuppah hovering above the bride and groom.

The child revealed herself suddenly and spontaneously. I loved her instantly upon arrival.

I knew this newborn girl spiritually before she would come to know my role in her life.

I was humbled before the divine beauty of yet another singular image of God’s artistry.

Her father called out her name into the consecrated space that she prepared for us.
"We will call her Shoshana (lily/rose) Raya (beloved friend and dear companion)."

Like a lily among the thorns, so is my beloved among the daughters [and granddaughters]. -Song of Songs